Project Management Software For Nonprofits

29 / 08 / 2023

Whether you’re writing a grant or fundraising to aid those in need, or just trying to organize your own nonprofit organization it is vital to have accurate information. Nonprofit project management software will help you keep the track of everything and makes sure that nothing gets lost in the shuffle. Luckily, there are numerous choices available. Some even provide free plans to get started with.

Inefficient projects cost money to donors and leave nonprofits without funds. But they don’t have to worry about this if they plan their work and collaborate efficiently. The right management software will make your team more productive and guarantee transparency in the workplace.

ClickUp is a free nonprofit software solution for managing projects that offers a broad range of features that index cover all aspects of your nonprofit’s operation that range from fundraising, communication and event planning to daily tasks. ClickUp is compatible with more than 1000 integrations, and is able to be used on any device.

Another option is Trello, a simple but effective tool for managing projects created by Atlassian. It is based on the Kanban Board method and lets users to organize their tasks into cards which can be moved depending on their stage.

For more advanced and robust tools, check out Smartsheet, an online project management software for non-profit organizations that combines team collaboration, reporting, and automation. Its Gantt Charts and customizable dashboards provide a clear view of the progress of projects. It also assists you in managing budgets, create workflows and increase transparency. Other features include time tracking, recurring meetings, and collaboration with teams in real-time.


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